DID YOU KNOW… hearing loss comes in all different shapes and sizes? To bring awareness to hearing health, SEOM was once again a proud sponsor of Bailey’s Besties, a team at the PA Walk4Hearing.
My two-year-old daughter, Bailey, has unilateral hearing loss, which means she experiences loss in one ear. She wears a hearing aid, but has difficulty honing in on specific things, like voices, in noisy environments, so we use ASL to communicate better with Bailey.

Mike Saks, Manny, Bailey, Brian, and Mike Johnson at the Walk4Hearing
On Sunday October 16, members of the SEOM team joined the Bailey’s Besties team and walked 5 miles, crossing the finish line together with Bailey leading the pack.
Walk4Hearing is the only nationwide event spotlighting hearing health and empowering people to live well with hearing loss. Bailey’s Besties was the top fundraising team with over $10,300 raised, and Bailey was the top individual with over $7,000 raised.
The team had a great day walking together, meeting new friends, and raising awareness for hearing health!