Our interior design clients have fantastic visuals that demonstrate their expertise in home decorating. This makes social media the perfect platform for showcasing their work; but since organic reach on social is down to less than 2%, we leveraged a paid Facebook strategy to ensure our client’s work could be seen.
Using detailed interest and demographic targeting, we ran an ad that drove traffic to our client’s portfolio so interested users could further browse her work.
The initial launch of the campaign generated leads at $91 cost per lead. We refined our targeting, tested various images and changed ad copy.
We were able to identify the most engaging images for our client’s audience, noting differences in the selections of different rooms to different color palettes. Ultimately, we identified the ad set that generated the most engagement.
We refined our audience targeting by layering additional interests such as “home renovation shows” and “luxury lifestyle”. This specific targeting allowed us to reach our client’s ideal customer.
With engaging creative and a narrow target audience, we improved the results to a $51 cost per lead.
initial cost per lead
optimized cost per lead